Pain in the back area can be caused due to a number of reasons. Strain, structured problems such as ruptured discs and arthritis

Pain in the back area can be caused due to a number of reasons. Strain, structured problems such as ruptured discs and arthritis, or poor posture can lead to backaches. Sometimes it is minimal and can go with proper rest and change in posture or simple medications. But, in some cases, the severity increases and pain persists for a very long term and the only option left to get it treated is going for surgeries. If your medical condition is at a stage that you are in need of getting the surgery done as soon as possible, then you must come in contact with Indo American Health as we bridge the gap between the patients and best Spine Surgeon In India.
There are multiple spine surgeries available and your surgeon will decide which option to go for after seeing your condition, some of the major types of surgeries available are as follows:
- Discectomy – The spine consists of discs that separate each vertebra and if one of these discs gets damaged or slips out of place, it puts pressure on the nerves and causes unbearable pain. The treatment aims at alleviating the pressure and treating the problem.
- Disc Replacement – There might be cases in which a disc is so worn out that the only option left to treat is to replace it and this procedure aims at doing the same.
- Laminectomy – The covering of the spinal canal is known as the lamina and sometimes it puts pressure on the nerves and during this procedure, the surgeon removes all or some part of lamina as part of treatment.
- Spinal Fusion – It is considered to be done on people that are suffering from lumbar degenerative disc disease or issues like that. In this treatment, a fusion is created between vertebrae at the site of pain. It helps in limiting the movement that causes pain.
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