January brought new beginnings and peculiar changes with a lot of resolutions, out of which some will, broke in no time. But, one resolution shall be dissolved in your veins to never get shattered – “The Resolution To Look After Your Health”.

January brought new beginnings and peculiar changes with a lot of resolutions, out of which some will, broke in no time. But, one resolution shall be dissolved in your veins to never get shattered – “The Resolution To Look After Your Health”. We are the elite service providers of Medical Tourism In India and feel it to be our responsibility to share information about Thyroid during the Thyroid Awareness Month, that is January.
What Is Thyroid?
The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland which is present on the neck of every person. This endocrine gland is responsible for the formation of two hormones that are secreted into the blood: thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). The necessity of these hormones is essential in the body for its normal functioning.
Thyroid Problem – Things To Know
The erratic autoimmune levels may bring the thyroid to function abnormally and produce the hormones in excessive or insufficient quantity. That is when the actual problem occurs. The production of less than needed thyroid hormone causes hypothyroidism which is responsible for factors like triggering constipation, weight gain and extreme fatigue. On the other hand, excessive production of thyroid hormones causes weight loss, anxiety, etc.
Habits To Change:
To prevent yourself from the side effects of the thyroid, you need to bring changes in your day to day habits, such as:
- Quit Smoking
- Eat Less Soy
- Go Mediterranean
Indo American Health is a well-known provider of Health Tourism In India and focuses on providing remarkable facilities to the people coming to India for seeking medical help. Contact us to know more.
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